Rippling. The Predictive Index. Empower 401k. These are a few of our HR Software partners. And we LOVE them.
In a competitive market, when recruiting is a challenge, differentiating your company is of the utmost importance. Sure, an interviewee needs to make a good first impression, but so do you. What are you offering besides a salary? Traditional benefits have come to be expected; health insurance and maybe a retirement plan. So if you, the employer, have checked all those boxes how else do you set yourself apart?
Enter the modern day virtual employee benefits platform. At McSteen, it starts with the interview process and our partnership with the Predictive Index (PI). The Predictive Index is a software that allows us to align the right people with the right roles and to help ensure they’ll be set up for success before we even extend an offer.
So now we’ve found a candidate, assessed them with PI, had one or multiple interviews and we’d like to move forward with an offer. Enter, Rippling. The social media equivalent of an HR and Payroll platform. It’s organized, user friendly, and honestly, just looks really cool – that counts for something with first impressions! When we’re ready to hire, we extend the offer electronically through Rippling. If they accept, they can electronically sign and submit all their new hire documents right from their phone with easy prompting through the whole process.
Once they are on board, Rippling continues to impress with it’s “one-stop-shop” mentality for employees. The site hosts all relevant links to outside platforms, such as 401k & health insurance, as well as holds the employee directory with self uploaded headshots of every member of the team; particularly beneficial in our new remote work world. Rippling also features a modern payroll system with easily customizable reporting. Happy employees. Happy management team. Ease of use on both sides.
That left us with evaluating some of our benefits platforms for the team for years to come. The biggest one being planning for the future: retirement. We added Empower as a 401k administrator to our offering arsenal for employees early in 2020. Talk about user friendly! Their use of graphics, easy click and change deferrals and general platform layout have increased our participation rate, drastically. The improvement is notable and we feel great about our team having more transparency in meeting their retirement goals.
Our team is by far our greatest asset. So recruiting them with the best tools and offerings helps us not only acquire great talent, but keep them for years to come. The real estate industry, particularly surveying, has remained rather traditional in focus when it comes to HR and HR software. By stepping outside the mold, utilizing attractive platforms and investing in virtual employee benefits we’ve retained some of the best. Our goal is to be seen in the market as forward thinking, progressive, and aspirational.
It’s all about first impressions. What does yours say?
This post first appeared on LinkedIn as an article published by Maureen Feller.